What Makes Us Different

Values-driven. Dedicated. People-oriented.

Sole Focus

We are not managing an investment portfolio. We will roll up our sleeves and take responsibility from day one.

Value Creation

We will use a structured approach to build your company's team and infrastructure to support new growth.

Protect Legacy

We will honor what you have worked hard to build, take care of your customers, and offer your employees continued growth opportunities.

Quick to Close

Boulder Field is backed by committed investors ready to deploy capital for the right opportunity, ensuring a rapid transaction timeline.

No Time-horizon

Without an exit deadline, and are not targeting short- term quick wins. We plan to operate the business focusing on long-term, sustainable growth.


We are a group of seasoned professionals with diverse business operations, entrepreneurship, and investment backgrounds.


We can work with the seller to structure deal terms that meet their personal needs.


It will be our priority to cultivate a culture that allows everyone to be aligned in purpose while having the opportunity to thrive individually.